Research & Evaluation
Roadblocks and Routes: Professional Development in Math in Common Districts
This report describes some of the more common roadblocks that Math in Common districts faced in their early years of CCSS-M implementation, along with the routes that the districts took around those roadblocks in order to support teacher and student learning.
What Accelerates a Community of Practice? Inflection Points That Changed the Course of the Math in Common Initiative
This report describes the trajectory of the Math in Common (MiC) Community of Practice (CoP), including both its missteps and its successes, in the hope that designers or participants of other formal or informal CoPs can leverage the MiC experience and make progress more quickly in their own collaborations.
Understanding Complex Instructional Change: Classroom Observations of Math in Common Districts
This report describes how teachers participating in the Math in Common initiative made significant shifts in their instruction to help students master the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.
Educators Collaborating to Improve Mathematics: Three Structures That Mattered in Math in Common Districts
This report describes how districts participating in the Math in Common initiative approached the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) differently than other California districts.
Spotlight on Student Achievement: Analyses of Statewide Assessment Data in Math in Common Districts
This report documents the uneven math gains made by Math in Common (MiC) districts, schools, and students, by analyzing the patterns of those gains, which range from outperforming statewide trends to more moderate growth. While progress in student achievement in the MiC districts has been slow, there are some promising signs to share with the field.
Developing Principals' Instructional Leadership in Math in Common Districts
This report describes the approaches that Math in Common (MiC) districts took toward helping principals take ownership of math instruction and standards implementation at their sites, and profiles three MiC districts that built their principals' instructional leadership over time.
What California Educators Are Saying about School Leadership
This brief summarizes recent survey results from California educators related to school site leadership, covering how principals spend their time, teacher leadership, and teachers' views of their principals.
Comparing Attitudes and Practices Among Educators Serving Large Proportions of English Learners in California and Three Other States
This brief contrasts the perceptions of California educators who serve a relatively high proportion of English learner (EL) students (i.e., over 25 percent of students) with the perceptions of educators who are serving a relatively high proportion of EL students in three comparison states.
What California Educators Are Saying about Data Use and Continuous Improvement
For several years, WestEd’s Measure to Learn and Improve (MLI) project team has kept state policy leaders informed about statewide implementation of the California Academic Standards in English language arts and mathematics, by summarizing and disseminating survey results from the RAND Corporation’s annual American Educator Panel surveys of teachers and principals. This brief summarizes recent results related to peer collaboration and data use.
Comparing Attitudes and Practices Among California Educators Serving Different Proportions of English Learners
This brief summarizes similarities and differences in the perceptions of California educators serving differing proportions of English learner students.
What California Educators Are Saying about their Professional Learning and Materials Needs
This brief summarizes recent survey results related to educators' reported needs for high-quality instructional materials and professional learning.
Creating New Futures for Newcomers: Lessons from Five Schools that Serve K–12 Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylees
This report, developed through a partnership between MAEC and WestEd, highlights schools that are using promising and effective strategies for supporting immigrant and refugee students in K–12 classrooms.
College-Ready in the California State University System: Campus Experiences Implementing EO 1110
This report is the first in a series examining how campuses in the California State University (CSU) system are implementing Executive Order 1110.
High School Students’ Perceptions of Police Vary by Student Race and Ethnicity: New Research Findings
In response to public concern about school violence, many schools are partnering with law enforcement to increase the presence of officers in schools. However, a police presence, whether at school or in the community, may not make all young people feel safe.
Five Misconceptions About School Shootings
This research brief addresses five common misconceptions about school shootings and their perpetrators and presents a balanced perspective on what can be done to better promote school safety.
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