Engage Stakeholders Around the Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement
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As researchers, decision-makers, and practitioners focus on continuous improvement in education, local-level change is gaining importance. Yet, many local school improvement efforts fail to be fully implemented. And many of those that are fully implemented fail to sustain improvements because the schools are embedded in systems that face multiple challenges.
Can everyone responsible for implementing school improvement efforts come together to build a better, more sustainable approach to local improvement? The Engagement Playbook: A Toolkit for Engaging Stakeholders Around the Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement, produced by the Center on School Turnaround (CST) at WestEd, aims to support such efforts by combining a powerful framework for school turnaround with a focus on the human side of change.
The toolkit builds upon the commonalities between Leading by Convening, a blueprint for authentic engagement in school improvement developed by 50 national organizations and adopted by the National Center for Systemic Improvement at WestEd, and CST’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement framework.
The toolkit:
- Focuses first on school-level change, then details supportive district and state efforts that can foster rapid school improvement and promote learning across sites and levels
- Offers reflection questions for school, district, and state administrators in each domain
- Points educators toward additional tools and resources for building capacity and engaging stakeholders