New Releases
Spotlight on Teacher Compensation Reforms: Insights and Innovations from State and District Leaders
This webinar archive features a panel of state and district leaders from across the country who have been tackling this issue on the ground to learn about how they have engaged the public, explored approaches to redesigning salary structures, and considered approaches to raising revenue or expense tradeoffs to cover the cost.
Supporting Middle School Math Learning With a Technology-Based Intervention: Impact, Moderators, and Usage
This technical report examines the differential impacts of ASSISTments on subgroups of student populations and the relationship between the usage of ASSISTments and students’ long-term math outcomes.
Bilingual Beginnings: Planning Kindergarten Entry Assessments for Spanish–English Speakers
This brief describes kindergarten entry assessments for Spanish–English bilinguals in the United States, highlighting the opportunity gap for young Spanish–English bilingual students and suggesting policy and implementation options.
Racial Integration in Federally Funded Magnet Schools: How Magnet Schools Assistance Program Grantees Are Addressing Minority Group Isolation in an Age of Increasing Segregation
To support MSAP grantees considering how to combat minority group isolation, this brief highlights promising strategies for meeting minority group isolation goals.
Strengthening English Learner Reclassification in California
This brief highlights the critical process of English learner reclassification in California, emphasizing its high-stakes nature and the standardized criteria mandated by the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Mapping Assets for Charter Schools: A Guide for Charter Authorizers
This guide offers insights on addressing early warning signs of school decline through asset mapping, or leveraging existing resources to proactively address challenges and enhance educational quality before decline occurs.
Promoting Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: A School Climate Domain Assessment Tool
This tool provides a comprehensive framework that enables educators and school leaders to assess and enhance school climate by focusing on three core domains.
Listening to Rural Voices: Supporting State Education Agencies to Shape Policies That Support Rural Schools
This brief offers three actions state educational agencies can take to address the unique challenges facing rural schools in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah.
Leadership, Advocacy, and Building Data Capacity Tribal Data Collection and Governance Webinar Series, Session 2
The Western Educational Equity Assistance Center and the Region 13 and 15 Comprehensive Centers partnered with the National Indian Education Association and the University of
Principles of Practice and Partnerships Tribal Data Collection and Governance Webinar Series, Session 1
The Western Educational Equity Assistance Center and the Region 13 and 15 Comprehensive Centers partnered with the National Indian Education Association and the University of
Addressing Critical Challenges in the Teacher Workforce: A Collaborative Approach in California
Learn about California’s collaborative efforts to develop strategic partnerships that can address teacher shortages by improving access to financial resources and preparation pathways.
Superintendent Christie Abeyta of the Santa Fe Indian School: A Cultural and Community-Driven Approach to Improving Graduation Rates
Explore how the Santa Fe Indian School, under Superintendent Christie Abeyta, achieves remarkable graduation rates with culturally responsive education and community engagement, honoring Indigenous students’ rich cultural heritage and preparing them for future leadership.
Levers for Improving Access to Core Content for Multilingual Students
In this webinar archive, Ilana Umansky and Karen Thompson shared findings about core course access for secondary students classified as English Learners (EL) in Oregon and Michigan.
Recommendations to Support Awareness, Use, and Perceptions of State School Safety Centers: A Framework
This guide provides a strategic blueprint for state school safety centers (SSSCs), offering insights to enhance their focus, their structure, and the support services they provide. Developed by WestEd’s Justice and Prevention Research Center with National Institute of Justice backing, it outlines key areas such as Vision and Mission, Structure and Staffing, Supports and Services, and Audience and Outreach, while advocating for diversified funding, multidisciplinary teams, and effective engagement through technology.
Strengthening Implementation of Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education in Mathematics
This brief explores how to strengthen culturally responsive and sustaining education in mathematics.
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