The California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) Project provides professional development and technical assistance to CPIN regional leads on the preschool content areas and California Department of Education, Child Development Division (CDD) initiatives.
The CPIN regional leads provide professional development and technical assistance to preschool teachers and administrators to ensure preschool children are ready for school.
The networks are organized into 11 regions of the state that will disseminate information, training, and resources to their particular region.
CPIN focuses on preschool children in state-funded preschool programs including children learning English and children receiving special education services.
While CPIN itself is coordinated by the Sacramento County Office of Education, WestEd’s Center for Child and Family Studies provides professional development and technical assistance to the CPIN leads on CDD initiatives, literacy, mathematics, preschool learning foundations, and other areas identified by CDD.
Professional development and technical assistance includes developing modules for statewide use; developing and administering online courses; and maintaining the CPIN website, including an online conference center for the CPIN leads.