As a Senior Project Manager with the School Choice team, Kelly Wynveen provides technical assistance and program support to charter schools, authorizers, and other organizations working in the charter sector to help ensure all students have the opportunity to attend a high-quality school.
Wynveen supports WestEd’s work on the National Charter School Resource Center (NCSRC) by developing grants management tools, resources, and technical assistance for the U.S. Department of Education’s Charter School Program grantees. She designs and produces webinars, reports, toolkits, and learning modules to help support over 150 active grantees and the charter sector at large on topics related to school choice and charter schools, in particular supporting authorizing practices.
Wynveen has co-authored publications focused on community-based or community-centered authorizing. She has also designed authorizing “boot camps” in multiple states to support authorizing staff to understand their legal responsibilities based on state law.
Before joining WestEd, Wynveen worked for the Colorado Department of Education in the Schools of Choice Unit, offering support and technical assistance to over 250 charter schools across the state. She has also served as a school leader and teacher in a Denver charter school. Wynveen began her career in education through Teach for America in Greater New Orleans.
Wynveen holds an MA in public administration and a BA in international development and social change.