Jennifer Blitz is a School/District Improvement Facilitator specializing in support for students who are English learners. Blitz works with state education agencies as well as site and district teams across the country to bring about instructional improvements for English learners.
Blitz has supported state education agencies in developing and implementing English language proficiency standards, creating assessment tools to reclassify English learners as proficient in English, and generating outlines and support materials for recommended English language development instructional models. Blitz also supports local education agencies in enhancing instruction for diverse learners. This guidance and support include facilitating systemic change through development of English learner master plans and providing focused instructional support through workshops on language analysis, academic discourse, and close reading and writing. She also coaches teachers through planning and instructional cycles.
Prior to joining WestEd, Blitz taught Spanish language and social studies in Arizona and served as a high school administrator. She received a BA in Spanish language from Tulane University in Louisiana, with a minor in business administration, and earned MAs in curriculum and instruction and educational leadership from Northern Arizona University. Blitz maintains certifications for instruction of Spanish language and social studies as well as administration.