For more than two decades, Elizabeth Burr has worked at the intersection of research and policy to support evidence-based decision-making.
As a Senior Research Associate on the Research-Practice Partnerships team, Burr coordinates research projects — including policy analyses, literature reviews, and syntheses — with the Regional Educational Laboratory West. Her work addresses issues such as the disproportional representation of students who are English learners in special education, the unique needs of particular groups of English learner students, and early education. Burr authored Guidance Manuals for Educators of English Learners with Disabilities: Ideas and Lessons from the Field, and was a lead author of California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. Currently she is working on a comprehensive toolkit for educators of English learners with disabilities.
Prior to joining WestEd in 2007, Burr was a Project Director at the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford University, and a Project Director at Policy Analysis for California Education.
Burr holds a BA from Brown University, and an MPA from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.