Cerelle Morrow is the District Services Senior Program Associate with the Quality Schools and Districts team at WestEd. She collaborates with schools and districts to design and implement professional learning in the area of English Learners, English Learners with disabilities (ELSWD), adolescent literacy, and best practices related to standards-based instruction and professional learning communities (PLCs). She is also a member of WestEd’s VITAL Collaboration and Reading to Learn program service team.
Additionally, Morrow provides technical assistance to SEAs as part of her work with federally funded Regional Education Laboratories (RELs) and comprehensive centers around effective teaching and learning for school and district improvement. In this role, she has contributed to the development of multiple English learner state frameworks and guidance documents.
Morrow holds an MEd from Teachers College at Columbia University. She is a former middle school English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, Peace Corps ESL teacher, and teacher trainer in the Philippines.